You will need to register for an account with Wingbits in order to generate your antenna ID.
Head to and create a free account.
Once your account is created and verified, log in to your Wingbits antenna dashboard at
Once loaded, click on ‘Register Antenna‘.
You will need to enter the following information;
- Alias (optional) – this may be a friendly name for your antenna location
- Co-ordinates (mandatory) – you can use the address lookup function, manually enter your antenna location co-ordinates or select a location on the map. It is important your location is accurate to within 50 meters.
Select the register button to register your antenna and generate an antenna ID.
Your ID will resemble ‘square-onyx-squirrel’ (please do not use this ID, this is just an example!)
Once generated, you can input your Antenna ID. Please ensure your ID is entered exactly as shown on your Wingbits dashboard.